The employers are demanding exceptional skills as there is a high demand for jobs. This has placed enormous pressure on graduates to develop skills and knowledge at levels beyond bachelor’s degree. If you are working in a field related to finance having graduated from a non finance bachelor’s degree, there is a benefit in undertaking post graduate study in Finance/ Banking or Masters in Business Administration. The post graduate is essential for those looking at the academic field or research for a career path. There are a wide variety of programs available geared for those in a working environment keen to expand their knowledge of a specific field. The masters programs are somewhat project and research based studying deeper into the subject area. There are post graduate diplomas focusing on certain fields suited to those working directly in those fields. It is a prerequisite to have a bachelor’s degree to enter the program though some Universities accept working experience at managerial level as a substitute. The masters programs are generally expensive and not uncommon for employers to finance

List of postgraduate-only institutions


List of universities in Sri Lanka 

United Kingdom Universities


Application Form for educational establishments and employers, universities

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